Seabreeze Erosion Solutions & Lakeshore Restoration Ft Myers, Bonita Springs, Naples Logo

Washout Repairs for lakes, ponds, rivers, and canals in South Florida

If you are an HOA board member, community manager, civil engineer, general contractor, or homebuilder, please contact us to discuss your project. We are not able to work with individual homeowners at this time, but we suggest you engage your HOA and give them our information to get the process started.

Proprietary repair systems developed with civil engineers

Proven effective and aesthetically pleasing

Soil analysis and water volume calculations done for optimal efficacy

Rain gutter downspout connections and French drains when needed

No dredging of stinky, mucky material from the lake

Our wonderful clients have actually done their own before-and-after case studies to send them to other communities

Minor Washout

This is the most common washout and is caused by concentrated water flow between homes and/or from rain gutters gushing water out between homes. We typically repair these using an imported blend containing clay, rock, and shell. This is often done while we are stabilizing the entire shoreline. Without a shoreline stabilization system in place, the repair will likely fail.

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Moderate Washout

This washout is typically found on the corners of lakes where a few yards come together to form a “bowl” or low spot, hence rainwater and irrigation run-off from three or more homes collects in one area causing extensive erosion. This erosion can become so severe that irrigation pipes, electrical wires, or other buried utilities can become exposed and pose a hazard. Luckily, we have a proprietary cavity-repair system that is so effective that engineers come to us to learn how it works and our commercial clients tell us “I went out to inspect your repair after the recent rains and I couldn’t even find it!”

Speak with one of our specialists

Severe Washout

These are fairly rare, but they do happen. The one pictures was due to a main water line break. They can also be caused by hurricanes, other construction, or severe erosion that is left alone for a long period of time. The same proprietary method we use on our moderate washouts is used here, just at a larger scale. Our method fills in the cavity with a mixture that becomes denser than the surrounding soil, our new sod is pre-treated with a proprietary fertilizer blend that allows it to root within 48-72 hours creating immediate erosion-control, and the shoreline itself is reinforced to hold everything in. This repair usually requires no permit and can be done in 1-3 days.

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